Payment Solutions

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Payment Solutions

Email and Phone Payments

Think you have limited payment options because of processing fees? Think again!

Email & Phone Payments

The Easy Way to Pay

Our program makes the payment process fully visible to customers. You can send separate invoices through email, so you can receive a direct link to facilitate your payments. Digital invoices are secure and can be settled using a credit card or debit card.

Request Paperless Invoices

Business owners can choose to receive invoices fast via email, and make all payments online. Invoices are clear, easy to understand, with all charges explained and fees eliminated.

Pay Via Mobile Device or Desktop

With our high-tech system, customers can pay while on the move, not matter they device they're using.

Receive Outside of Business Hours

One of the key benefits of our program is that customers have the option to make payments outside of standard business hours.

No Phone Support Needed

We keep it fast and simple- even if you want to make a payment over the phone. There are no appointments necessary, just give us a call and receive first-rate service.

business owner checking bank account on phone
No merchant service fees

You Do Have a Voice

Credit card processing companies don't want business owners to know how to avoid paying fees on their monthly statement. We provide expert services to eliminate these fees, so you save more money- the money you deserve in the first place.

0% Fees
No more monthly fees, batch fees, swipe fees, interchange fees, or increases.
100% Profits
We handle all of the fees so your monthly merchant account statement is free and clear, increasing your bottom line.
Happy older customer on the phone

Get In Touch

Get your customized plan today. Fill out the form and we'll contact you immediately.

Put your earnings back into your pocket.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
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