Payment Solutions

Get relief as a small business owner. Select a Payment Solution.

Payment Solutions

In-Store & In-Person Payments

Grow your business to its full potential. Say good-bye to monthly merchant fees for good!

Works with most POS Systems!

Stop Paying Credit Card Fees

It doesn't matter how you pay with credit for your business, whether in-store or in-person, we can get those fees eliminated once and for all. This is how we do it...

store processing a credit card
We Work
We crunch the numbers and customize a plan for your unique business.
processing a payment at a store by tapping the card reader
You Pay
Credit companies cut your monthly profits by charging fees.
Employee processing a payment at the store
You Get Paid
We can cancel your merchant fees, so you get 100% of the profits.
No merchant service fees

You Do Have a Voice

Credit card processing companies don't want business owners to know how to avoid paying fees on their monthly statement. We provide expert services to eliminate these fees, so you save more money- the money you deserve in the first place.

0% Fees
No more monthly fees, batch fees, swipe fees, interchange fees, or increases.
100% Profit
Your customers have more payment options, and you get more money in your pocket without paying fees.
business owner smiling after saving on merchant fees
What you could achieve

Benefits to Your Business

We have multiple creative strategies to develop a custom plan for your operations, no matter the size. There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution. There are several ways your business is positively impacted by saving on merchant fees.

Next Day Funding
Add thousands monthly to your bottom line
Accept all ways customers want to pay (swipe, chip, mobile, e-comm, NFC etc.)
American Express Opt Blue Program
Integrations with most POS systems
Level 2 & 3 Processing for B2B merchants
We can accomodate a wide-range of businesses, including high risk, CBD, pharmacies, and large ticket

Get In Touch

Fill out the form and receive a prompt reply from our expert team. Say good bye to merchant fees today.

We Can't Wait to Here From You!
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
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